Thursday, October 31, 2002


Sunday, October 27, 2002

dude, fuck the angels and all you people who changed which team you were rooting for halfway through the series. fakers! oh yeah, saw 2 cops on horses in IV this weekend. that's one for the world of weird books. also JJ called me on tuesday. um....

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

everything just went KABOOM!

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

uh oh

Monday, October 21, 2002

daniel thinks i need to "update my friggin' site". well just to spite him i'm not HA!

Friday, October 18, 2002

i love my boyfriend

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

i don't know what to do. i ache. i cry. i need.
i wish it was summer. things would be better

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

EliseNicci: blah
EliseNicci: i have my first midterm on wed.
EliseNicci: too early
Dr Claw09: damn that is early
EliseNicci: yuckiness
Dr Claw09: what class?
EliseNicci: soc 152a
EliseNicci: we have 3 midterms plus the final
Dr Claw09: pooey !
EliseNicci: major pooey!
Dr Claw09: monster pooey~!
EliseNicci: monster truck pooey

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Metalimaniac42: this is great, 7 people across the state of California with nothing better to do on a wed. night
GibSOnmIb: I have something better to do
GibSOnmIb: and I'm about to go do it
WinkstaRules: well its a WED
TmeFluxCapacator: i should have been working now, but they sent me home early
ILuvFlutes: robert, go play with your sheep :-)
Metalimaniac42: you can masturbate any time rob
EliseNicci: me?
EliseNicci: ;-)
WinkstaRules: hehehehe
Metalimaniac42: very good!
GibSOnmIb: I like her answer best
EliseNicci: is taht a yes?
EliseNicci: hehe
GibSOnmIb: it's a hell of a drive for a guy with no pants on

Friday, October 04, 2002

EliseNicci: i missed my german class.
EliseNicci: blarg
Goose the Force: gesundheit
Goose the Force: my german roommate passed out with his head on the toilet several times last night
Goose the Force: I woke him up each time, because friends don't let friends pass out on the john
Goose the Force: which, incidentally, is his name
EliseNicci: haha
EliseNicci: does he speak german?
Goose the Force: I don't think so
Goose the Force: nah
Goose the Force: sorry, he can't help you
EliseNicci: blarg. u're no fun
Goose the Force: does blarg mean drat! in german?
EliseNicci: actually i have no idea. let me consulte my dictionary
Goose the Force: you're gonna feel so stupid when you find out it means fluffy bunny
EliseNicci: lol
a scavenger hunt, work and a pool, and a sad event

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

yes i have returned. is it for good or will i resume my extended vacation?
yes i have the best boyfriend ever. he built me a bed. a bunk bed. it's a wonderful bed. it's so perfect. i love him. he's so perfect. just like his smile. perfect. he makes me happier than i've been in a long time and he does this just by smiling... and building me a bed, and just being a great boyfriend.
yes i have a 2.5, woohoo! i went the EAP general meeting today. they said anyone who wants to do summer only programs that only require a 2.5 gpa must have a 2.5, no exceptions. i was worried because i thought i had a 2.2 or a 2.3 but i look and i have a 2.55 so now all i have to get is a 2.23 this quarter so that when i apply i maitain my ever so stellar gpa. a 2.23 will be a piece of cake. yay!!!!!! woohoo. i'm going to denmark (hopefully)!!!!!