Thursday, August 29, 2002

i want to walk to walk along the beach with you
i want to stay up all night just talking with you and then walk to campus point and watch the sunrise
i want to hold your hand every minute of the day
i want to make love to you
i want to rest my head on your shoulder when i get tired
i want to go camping with you and hold you close as we gaze at the stars
i want to give you a kiss every morning when i wake up
i want to give you a hug everytime i see you
i want to dance with you in the rain
i want you
did you know a goldfish's attention span is only 3 seconds long.
i think i'm falling, but i'm afraid of getting hurt. is this yet again?

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

I want this car!!!

It's so purrrrty!

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

robert came over last nite. it was so good to finally see him again. i'd almost forgotten just how hot he is. he wore a button up shirt too, oh dear. mmm, goodness. we went to carrows and then rented a movie. he has this smile that is soo incredible. i can't believe i lasted 2 weeks without seeing that smile. he looks so sexy with that smile. oh dear.

ok, must get back to work. darcy is coming into town today to move a few things in. yay!

Monday, August 26, 2002

EliseNicci: la de da de da
EliseNicci: bow chica bow bow
EliseNicci: nst nst nst nst nst
EliseNicci: waka chica waka chica waka chica
EliseNicci: don't you feel like u're in a really bad porno
EliseNicci: ;-)
Goose the Force: no, it's really good
EliseNicci: but u're only watching for the stimulating dialogue

EliseNicci: come back come back where ever you are
EliseNicci: oh phooey
EliseNicci: u suck
Goose the Force: back!
Goose the Force: I'm quick like that
EliseNicci: yay!
EliseNicci: it finally worked
EliseNicci: i must be getting rusty, my powers aren't as good as they used to be
sitting here at work absolutely bored out of my mind. i've only been here 2 hours and i have 7 more to go. ouch, this sucks. somehow someone linked to this site through, don't ask me how, i'm just as confused. i want this day to go by faster. i get to see robert today, finally!! yay! ok, back to work time
i felt like posting some random daniel-ness
Auto response from Goose the Force: up up and away message
EliseNicci: u should come back now
Goose the Force: back!
EliseNicci: ooh yay!
EliseNicci: it worked
EliseNicci: i have mental internet powers
EliseNicci: i feel so cool
Goose the Force: nah, it wasn't the internet powers
EliseNicci: oh really, and what was it then?
Goose the Force: your other powers
EliseNicci: yeah it could have been those

Goose the Force: ooh
Goose the Force: you were the 300th commentor
Goose the Force: congratulations
EliseNicci: i was? ooh, i feel so cool

oose the Force: I want a damn smoothie
Goose the Force: but jamba is closed
Goose the Force: I know, I'll have ice cream
EliseNicci: mmm
Goose the Force: yeah....
EliseNicci: save some for me
Goose the Force: it's a drumstick
EliseNicci: oh, well taht's no fun. damn hard to lick a drumstick of a naked person's chest
Goose the Force: I'll save the nuts for you
EliseNicci: ooooh baby

Thursday, August 22, 2002

daniel seems to think i have a lacking in ice cream. what i've failed to tell him is that i licked it all off some boy last nite *wink wink* haha. i wish. robert comes back in town on monday. too damn long is all i have to say. maybe we'll get a chance to see the something corporate/river city high show on monday. maybe not. as long as i get to hang out with him is all that matters.
EliseNicci: i really wish u were here
GibSOnmIb: it's good that I'm not
GibSOnmIb: because if I saw you I'
GibSOnmIb: d hug you
GibSOnmIb: and if I \hug you, I'd kiss you
GibSOnmIb: and if I kiss you, I'd never let you go

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

i'm sitting here
thinking of you
and i just wonder
what i'm supposed to do

in my mind
we are walking along
a whitesand beach
with a faint hint of a little jamaican song

i hope and i pray
that i won't make a mistake
i truely wish this is not a dream
and if it is, i do not wake

Monday, August 19, 2002

i stumbled on the INDEPENDENT today. i love looking at the personal ads in the back. atleast this time there isn't one from a UCSB professor again. i love these things. they're super...

A GOOD SPANK and a good screw sounds good to me. Sound good to you?

SANDWICH FANTASY IS what I have. ISO two Guys for a tasty "manwich." I'll be the meat in the middle... deliveries accepted at front and rear entrances.

SPREAD MY LEGS! Wide open. Go for it! White bottom to service your needs.

and my favorite of the week...
MID-1940's ERA MODEL, low mileage, barely driven, been rear ended once or twice. Needs gulp of high-octane juice and occasional rear differential tweeking with nice tool.

Saturday, August 17, 2002

went hiking today. it was so much fun. went w/ jenn, mike, christie and annie. i haven't been hiking in a really long time. i forgot how much fun it was. we stopped and jumped in the water at some random swimming hole. i really want to go again. especially with robert. damn i wish he was here. i think things are really gonna work out. i like him a lot.

mike was at the john mayer concert too. forgot to mention that. sorry mike. but i had better seats. so HA!
got my full bed last weekend. finally! it was a pain in the ass getting it here cuz i had to drive it up on sat. nite and then drive back home that same nite. and then we drove back up to sb on sunday. a little too much driving, but it was worth it for my nice big bed.
jonchiang3: ooh where's kirsten
jonchiang3: she's fun
jonchiang3: she likes girls
EliseNicci: lol
EliseNicci: i don't kno where she is
jonchiang3: girls who like girls and guys are tons of fun
EliseNicci: lol

Friday, August 16, 2002

friday: went home. got my eyes checked. 20/20 vision. oh hell yeah!
saturday: got a filling. sucks ass! but luckily my dentist didn't tighten my retainer. did get some cute clothes though.
sunday: came back to sb. robert left for wyoming :(
monday: went star gazing and watched the meteor shower. not too many meteors but i still had lotsa fun!
tuesday: last day of orientation for the summer. yes!!! rented "the man who wasn't there". good movie. a little odd, but it is by the cohen brothers, so what'd u expect. missed yoga again. i'm lame
wednesday: nothing out of the ordinary happened
thursday: went to the john mayer and guster concert. pit tickets. i was 10 feet away from john mayer. *swoon*. the concert was sooo much fun. one of the best concerts ever. it was so chill. i loved it!!

GibSOnmIb: The breeze blows by over my toes as the sun warms them. the grass brustles over the weeds outside creating a soothing rustling. my thoughts drift to you....

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Auto response from EliseNicci: tv is my friend. we've spent many nights together, staying up all night and talking and getting to know one another...
Goose the Force: I've been with tv as well
Goose the Force: sometimes at the same time as you, and you didn't even know it
Goose the Force: it's slutty that way

Friday, August 09, 2002

last nite!!! oh my gosh!!!! robert kissed me!!!!! yayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday was such an awesome day. got my tickets for the john mayer concert. got my econ grade (i passed. yay). figured out my next paycheck will probably be over $1000. hung w/ rosie, which is ALWAYS so much fun. and to top it all off, robert finally kissed me. yay!!!! i'm soooo happy. he's so cute! and smart. and funny. ak! yayayayay!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

oh dear, what a fun weekend. hungout with two totally awesome guys. one on friday, the other on saturday. danny (friday boy) and i talked a little bit last nite and we decided to just be friends, cuz he can't really give me what i want right now which is some sort of relationship. (well i could have a relationship w/ him, but not the way i want one). saturday was way fun too. fiesta party at rose's. walked around. stayed up talking for a few hours. *sigh* i had a good time this weekend. i wish they could all be like this.

Monday, August 05, 2002

rose: i don't want to be a third wheel

jon: you aren't a third wheel. you're a training wheel

Sunday, August 04, 2002

rose: you smell like poo

robert: but maybe you smell like some sort of alien poo that smells like people

Saturday, August 03, 2002

DrClaw09: "blah blah can i put a picture of mr T on my id?"

EliseNicci: yogi
dude... duh! yogi!