Wednesday, July 31, 2002

once again i have been neglectful. but hey, i have a life. this past weekend was.... soo much fun and quite interesting... friday was kinda plain. saw a band a couple houses down from ari's. the guys in the band are my neighbors so it was cool. saturday was mikey's b-day. he was soo sloshed. kick-ass party at his house. i had a lot of fun... that's about all i can say... ask if u wanna kno more details... heehee
thoughts and complications with boys. too much of that going on. but u kno i love it :D
but now i have to go study for my damn final that's on friday. wish me luck!

Monday, July 22, 2002

so juan *high school ex-boyfriend* randomly IM'd me today. it was way cool talking to him and catching up.
but i'll give u one guess what his major is....
come on, u kno this...
do u need a hint?
it's really not that hard...
ok, fine i'll tell u...
Mech. Eng. duh! wouldn't it have been anything else. geez u really need to pay more attention

Thursday, July 18, 2002

The Unofficial, Unbiased, Insider's Guide to the 320 Most Interesting Colleges.

Kaplan's complete list, in order, of the top 31 hottest and trendiest universities includes:
1. Harvard University (MA)
2. University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (NC)
3. Duke University (NC)
4. New York University (NY)
5. University of California - Los Angeles (CA)
6. Georgetown University (DC)
7. University of Colorado (CO)
8. Brown University (RI)
9. University of Maryland - College Park (MD)
10. Princeton University (NJ)
11. Boston College (MA)
12. Stanford University (CA)
13. University of Arizona (AZ)
14. University of Texas - Austin (TX)
15. Boston University (MA)
16. Washington University in Saint Louis (MO)
17. Texas A&M University (TX)
18. Arizona State University (AZ)
19. University of Virginia (VA)
20. University of Wisconsin - Madison (WI)
21. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
22. San Diego State University (CA)
23. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA)
24. George Washington University (DC)
25. Florida State University (FL)
26. University of California - Santa Barbara (CA)
27. University of Southern California (CA)
28. Penn State University - University Park (PA)
29. University of Florida (FL)
30. Pepperdine University (CA)
31. University of Miami (FL)

Dr Claw09: im evil i know

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

learning to surf on suday was sooo much fun! i love it. and according to troy i did pretty well for my first time. i'm hopefully gonna go again later this week. it was so much fun. i can't wait to do it again. i've been running just about everyday this past week. i've realized that i have to go everyday, or else i won't go at all. if i take a break every other day then i'll end up taking a break everyday. i hope the results at the end of the summer turn out good... i'm having all my access homies over for dinner on friday. can't wait. hopefully i'll get them all majorly sloshed. hehe. j/k
things are starting to quiet down a bit. i think it will all turn out ok. it's just going to take time...

Sunday, July 14, 2002

i'm gonna learn how to surf today. yay! i've been running everyday for the past few days. it feels soo great but it's leaving me a little sore and with too much energy. i'm sleeping a little better but i keep waking up at 8:00-8:30am every morning and not even feeling more tired so i can't fall back asleep. but i'll be in shape in just a few weeks so it will all be worth it.
i'm gonna learn how to surf today. yay! i've been running everyday for the past few days. it feels soo great but it's leaving me a little sore and with too much energy. i'm sleeping a little better but i keep waking up at 8:00-8:30am every morning and not even feeling more tired so i can't fall back asleep. but i'll be in shape in just a few weeks so it will all be worth it.
i'm a little confused about what i want right now... so what else is new...

Thursday, July 11, 2002

ok... so i'm so not sure about my feeling right now... i left something out of my blog the other day... i sorta kissed this guy, but as usual there are issues with another girl with him. (why do i seem to find the guys that have these issues). so i'm not yet sure on my feelings for this guy... just friends would be totally fine... although he is pretty cute... but i don't like the issues with the other girl. it's like... she likes some other guy, but still has feelings for him, even though they were never actually dating but she still has a leash on him... ak! i don't know what to do. i mean... i did say that i want to get into a relationship again, but that doesn't mean it has to be right now... i just... don't know what to do...

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

who's in oklahoma?
yeah so things have been a tad bit hectic in my life lately.... i tried to petition to take my pstat class for a 3rd time (don't ask) and was denied by both the econ dept and the college of letters and science because of stupid policy. so after talking with the advisor for a little while i got to thinking and i might change my major. when my parents had given me "the talk" about school on my birthday i had told them that most important to me was to graduate with a major in business/economics. but i've been thinking about that and i don't know if that's the most important factor i want... i think most importantly i want to stay here in santa barbara and at ucsb.
my plans on life have changed drastically in the last 5 months. most importantly i want to have a decent job. that's all that matters. and i think i can do that if i major in global studies just as easily as if i was majoring in business/econ. but i haven't made up my mind yet. i may stay bus/econ. i dunno yet.
i've also decided that i want to get into a relationship again. for a while i didn't... i needed time to figure out what my priorities were and clear the fog the had jumbled up my head. but now... i don't want just the randomness that i've been getting. there have been a couple guys lately who could been just another random fling but that's not what i want anymore. i want dates and closeness and just a smidge of romanticism. it took a lot of stupidity to get me to this revelation but finally i'm here. and maybe i won't get a boyfriend for a while, maybe i will. but things are gonna change... they already have...

Friday, July 05, 2002

Dr Claw09: nlag

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

Auto response from EliseNicci: Oh no, I'm lost...

Dr Claw09: ill find you!
Dr Claw09: j/k
EliseNicci: haha
EliseNicci: come look
EliseNicci: ;-)
Dr Claw09: *looking*
EliseNicci: find me yet?
Dr Claw09: sadly no : (
EliseNicci: aw ;(
EliseNicci: :-(
Dr Claw09: you are too good at hide and seek
EliseNicci: i was champion in grade school
Dr Claw09: i believe it